Come forty, men and women have to brace themselves for many an ailment they never thought existed.
one of the most common of these affliction is frequent urination or incontinence. It starts off innocently enough. You just are beginning to get regular at getting up nocturnally and visiting bathroom still half-asleep. You return when finished and continue where you left off whether it is a dream or nightmare.
Soon enough, you realize you are doing it doubly. And, before you take in the fact that you are wandering off in the direction of your bathroom, you have increased your score by one more visit.THREE times already.
And, there comes a time when you are spending more time in the bathroom than on your bed. You even seriously contemplate unfolding a camp cot in the bathroom for you to rest between urinating bouts.
You sleep only in titbits and for a total of some 3 to 5 hours. This has to tell on your overall health. You spend your days going through the motions. The mirror refuses to show the expected reflection when you stand before it. There is a zombie looking askance at you. Your concentration has disappeared. Irritation has anchored permanently in your demeanor. People are not fools and they know that you are in trouble. In deed, you are trouble!
Enough said? Here is the home remedy!
Wash a fair sized pomegranate. Extract the outer skin of the fruit. Only the exocarp please. Do no include the membranes that hold the arils and seeds together. Cut the skin in to small pieces and grind them into a fine paste. Usually no water is to be added if it is fresh, just peeled . If some 12 hours have gone by, add just enough water to make it a paste. Out it in your mouth and swallow it. No able to? You can send it all in by chewing. It is not completely averse to one's taste while not exactly a dish you relish. So what? It is home remedy, not your breakfast!
Yes, have it everyday on an empty stomach. Remember not have your morning tea one before or after the intake of this wonderful home remedy.
Have it as long as necessary but it is safe to say that you will find you are getting enough sleep now that your nocturnal adventures are getting to be more infrequent and less regular. Home remedy does it, folks!