Nature Has All The Cures

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Saturday, August 31, 2013


Sprain is something that afflicts you 100% because of your wrong moves(literally). You very confidently jump from a height and lo and behold! you can not move your hips or ankles or may be you neck too. You jerk your ankles in a sudden move and you are not able to jerk any longer. You have sprain.

You sleep on your one side and when you are ready to be up and about, that is not what you are able to. Instead, you find that you can not get up from your bed. When you finally do, your neck is throbbing. Try turning a little and revelation dawns on you that you just have to turn your body in order to look East or West.

You have developed a mighty sprain, my friend.  Home remedy has an easy solution. Finely chop an onion. Pour a tsp of honey on it. Choke for a minute or two. Apply this concoction on the affected area. If you find the onion pieces falling off, wrap a bandage around. Only, make sure that bandage does not absorb the honey. What you may do is add some extra stuff so that the affected area gets its quota of honey and onion


Heartburn is a recurring problem for many over the age of 35 or 40. Antacids and effervescent powders are effective only to an extent. If you develop a habit of taking recourse to them, their effectiveness gradually diminishes and you will find yourself reaching for them more often. And, a time may come when you have become a dependent on these remedies. Home remedies are many but we will concentrate only on one very effective home remedy. 

It is always better to avoid the condition. For, if you have three meals a day, you are likely to get heartburn three times. And, you may end up imbibing the effervescent at least twice a day. This will sure as not, lead to unpleasant complications. You can avoid heartburn by a diet that is not always  rich. 

Here is home remedy. Gastrointestinal afflictions are many and most of these are easily cured by a combination of ginger, garlic and asafoetida.  Take 2" ginger, 10 cloves of garlic and a blue berry sized asafoetida.  Put all the three in 200ml of water. Boil it until it is reduced to half the quantity. Cool the water  down to room temperature and sip. One dose on an empty stomach in the morning will see you through a whole day without any heartburn. After two days, do away with asafoetida. In a week or so, you are as fit as if you have been fitted with a new stomach! Home remedy has it all, folks! 


You don't have to have been walking along in the Sahara to get your eyes as dried as  a pond in a desert. Even in the comfort of your air-conditioned room, dry eyes can result.  You experience difficulty in shutting yours and opening as a natural involuntary act.

Your vision is blurred. There is burning, itching, screwing the eyes shut because you can't stand light.  You feel as though a few grains of sand have got into your eyes. 

It is mostly your making. Gazing at bright screens like television, mobile phone and computer are the prime reasons these days to get your eyes dry. If you have been traveling in places where there is shortage of moisture can also cause dry eyes. 

Do not run to your ophthalmologist. At least try this home remedy before you do. Castor oil, the sticky substance has the answer. No, we do no want you to drink it, we know it is almost impossible.  Get hold of a dropper, and someone to administer the oil.  Fill  the dropper with a little castor oil. Lie on your back. Open your eyes with your fingers and keep them that way. Get your assistant to apply 2 or 3 drops of oil into your eyes.

Keep the eyes closed for 10-15 minutes. Do not pay attention to the oil that would stream out of your eyes; just wipe it off.

Repeat whenever you feel dryness in your eyes. You could be rid of the condition in a few days. make it a routine twice a week and you will not be subjected to the melody anytime soon.


Many a man can brave a beauty like Helen of Troy, 1000 ships or not. Many a man has shun greed for land and kingdoms. However, many a brave man has  succumbed to the enticement of Bacchus. That is the power of alcohol.

Your stern warning at your reflection in the mirror  not to have more than 2 drinks evaporates after the said quota and the high spirits you are in wants more and more of the stuff. All said and done, you end up having with 7 or 8 drinks in you and you are flying like an eagle. All very well.

It is the morning after that heaps revenge on you. Your head is splitting like atoms in an atom bomb
and your insides are threatening to become your outsides. You are ready to swallow a whole dog, not just a hair of  the dog, only to find that there is no dog ready to be eaten. You have invited over a mighty hang over , my friend,

Ever tried of home remedy? Here are some home remedies to get you up and about.

Let us, first, tell you how to avoid hang over in the first place. Half an hour  before the appointed hour for the tryst with the glass,  eat three or four bananas (any variety). While you are actually drinking, sip a lot of cold water between drinks. Before plunging in to bed, eat two or three slices of raw bread. These home remedy ideas should protect you from hang over the next morning.

No dice? Still subjected to a mighty hang over?  Honey plays a major role in many a home remedy.
Add two or three spoonfuls of honey and one spoonful of lemon juice to hot water and sip it. Lie down in a cool, dark rook with eyes shut like the doors of Fort Knox. Get up from the bed only if it is on fire. You are alright when you do get up after a good sleep/rest. You may even be ready for the next hang over but, don't do it. Even home remedies have their limits.

Friday, August 30, 2013


My grandpa looks as strong as a Hercules or in today's milieu, like a Sylvester Stallone. However, age shows itself in myriad ways and grampa suffers from many an illness. He has had this wretched disease of nocturia for many many years and has tried almost all the remedies in the book.

I, armed with my recent knowledge of home remedies suggested what looked silly to him in the beginning. After weeks of persuasion, he reluctantly agreed to try my very, very simple remedy. He just had to grind pomegranate peels and swallow it. He did it for about 10 days. Would you believe it?

He was completely  rid of the abominable disease. Now he sleeps like a log although he has not had a hard day.

Why don't you try it too?


Diarrhea may not really be painful but can be a pain in the arse. But, it is a deadly condition that has been killing millions of children and also adults before WHO came up with a simple but effective remedy for fighting the dehydration that is caused by continual passing of watery stool.

 It is called Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT). Take a pinch of salt, a handful of sugar and dissolve them in a liter of water.  Note the approximate amount of  the stool that has gone out and drink the same amount of the water. Keep doing this so that you are not going to become a prey to dehydration.
 This discovery was hailed as the first most important one since the invention of wheel!

Now on to the actual home remedy for diarrhea:  Chick pea  does it!  Take  200grams of the legume and powder it coarsely.  Mix two spoons of the power in half a glass of water and gulp it down. Repeat it as many times as you need it. You will see the frequency of the episodes going down and in a day or two, you will completely stop visiting the W/c  except legitimately!


 Dandruff is the most common affliction that your hair can be saddled with. And, could turn out to be the most embarrassing element in your looks, especially if someone dear to you takes it upon herself to tussle your hair fondly and is rewarded with a lot of white speckles on her hand. No more hair-tussling for you. from this particular lady.  In some extreme cases, you might even have to say good bye to the said lady! Not if you turn to home remedy in a hurry.

Do you want to get rid of the snow that is dandruff that would not melt however much you try? Vinegar has the answer, in home remedy. While it is easy to get vinegar of chemical kinds, use only natural ones like coconut vinegar or sherry vinegar. There are potassium enzymes in vinegar that go hammer and tongs at dandruff. They not only curb any further proliferation of dandruff but make the dead skin that had been caused by the existent dandruff  disappear too. Carry out this exercise on alternate days and in a week or so, you would be rid of the abomination.So, home remedy it is, isn't it?


 Many girls on the threshold of adolescence acquire a new feature on their faces: Acne or pimples. While a single pimple may, on some girls, lend an attractive look to her,  a large number may make people wonder if tiny volcanoes have landed themselves on the affected face. The girl is constantly aware that she is being given a decently concealed look. She finds that not many boys look her way. Home remedy will repair this malady.

Her social life is just not building up and she finds herself excluded in a lot of activities boys and girls engage in as a matter of routine. Others may brush-off acne and pimples as something not of consequence, the girl herself may not be all that convinced.

Here are some of the time-tested home remedies to make pimples and acne disappear.

Do not throw away the orange peels after getting them off the fleshy part. Grind 5-10 grams of the stuff nicely. You have a orange peel paste in your hands now.   Take only a few drops of unboiled milk and mix with the paste. Apply this on pimples and acne. Do not wash off in a hurry. And, do not go for this treatment if you do not have time to spare. Coz, you need to keep your face unwashed for at least one and a half hours. Do it everyday until your face is clear of pimples and acne.Go for home remedy, folks!


Home remedy can banish constipation out of your system and make you feel as light as a feather. You are likely to feel you do not have a stomach at all. Constipation is a dampener in many ways. First emotion that you are saddled with in the morning after you are out of bed is frustration. Repeated visits to the loo produce nothing solid. May be a little flatulence is all you can manage to bring out!

Not only that; the whole day passes dully; you go through the motions without any enthusiasm. At times, you are suddently overtaken by an urge to go NOW. However, when you make your way as swiftly as possible under the circumstances to the bathroom, the outcome in the confines of the bathroom is nothing substantial.  You are on the verge of splitting your hair.

Stop worrying. Here is the home remedy for constipation. Raisins are added to many a kitchen preparation. A pleasanter item of dried fruits can hardly be found.  This is a wonderful home remedy for constipation.

Soak a handful of raisins overnight in plain water. The first thing you should do on awakening in the morning is to eat the blown up raisins. You may also drink up the water. Do it relentlessly every morning. Be warned that you are not about to experience a miracle. Not many home remedies produce miracles but your constipation will dissipate soon enough


Hairfall has serious consequences if you are either
a young woman or an older one. Hair adds immensely to the beauty of a face. In fact, a plain face gets a large measure of beauty if accompanied by atractive hair that enables different hairdos.

On the other hand, even some tellingly pretty girls lose their fans at the same rate as their falling hair, if unfortunately that is what is happening. Their partners may not pay the attention they were according until then. It is sad that this should happen.

If you notice that you are being subjected to hair fall, take action in early days by going in for home remedy. There are many procedures in home remedies that you can take recourse to. 

 Aloe vera is a wonder plant in nature. It can be used to treat many illnesses and adverse conditions. Hair can be stopped abruptly from falling if you use aloe vera. Carve out  the inside juicy parts of aloe vera. You might get them ready-made in shopping malls and departmental stores. Massage parts deep into your scalps slowly. Use circular motion to do this. Let your hair soak in the juice for at least two hours. Wash off with warm water. Do not rub too much; instead use more water to clear the juice from your hair. Keep doing this twice or thrice a week. You will happily see that your hair stays intact on your head in about a month, if not earlier.  


High blood pressure has nothing to do with age, sex, religion or race. You do not have it today, thank God? Don't be in a hurry, it may sneak in tomorrow! You may be very careful with your food habits and mental explorations but you might just get the condition.

You must understand that high or low blood pressure are not diseases, by definition. They are, like diabetes, only a condition that a body is subjected to. Once you discover that you have this condition, worrying about it can in deed take it a notch or two higher and you suffer more than you should.

Untreated  high blood pressure can bring on  many a complication like heart diseases and even death. More than 8 million people die from high blood pressure related diseases.

Turn towards home remedies and be rid of it. Only, do not expect miracles. But, sure as not, you will be cured of the condition as time goes by. What you need to have is patience.

In home remedy, you have to reduce a glass of milk to half on a slow fire after adding 10 cloves of garlic. Do not worry, garlic loses much of its repugnant smell after being boiled for 5 minutes or so. Sip the concoction when you are done. Do it just before going to bed. Do it for two or three months, making sure you do it everyday.

Home remedies, in general, are no harbingers of miracles. They take their time but prove their mettle in time. So, home remedy it is!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Or, soundly sleep  without a sound with home remedy at hand.

You try all the known methods known to man but do not get to sleep. It is past devil's hour and still no dice. Soon you find the morning has broken like the first morning and the blackbird has spoken like the first bird but are the last to sleep.

Sleep being one of the most essential activities that a body should be given allowance to, deprivation of it can bring about the body's destruction. Except for the brain which is busy drumming up dreams/nightmares as the case may be, and the heart which must go on, all other parts of body are entitled to their periods of rest.  And, that is certainly found wanting when you don't sleep well.

You start looking like the last Sunday's newspaper; your boss looks askance at you barely concealing his anger. Your colleagues look strangely at your bloopers. You have no clue what to do. Because you didn't know home remedy!

On an entirely different level, your snoring is causing many a hurdle in your life. There were times when jokes about couples separating because either of them opened up during sleep and went about driving their 19th century train with full load. Gradually, divorces on account of snoring in deed became a reality. It is almost as if the snore is a violent argument which no one would have  the stomach to have in the middle of the night;  on all nights sans holidays..

Some people hide a bear somewhere inside them and unleash it in full glory, all the guns blazing, the minute they hit the sack. Woe be to the one who is a hapless bedfellow. The sound is guaranteed to drive one climbing up the wall.

The snorer, however, is not at all aware that he is causing mayhem and creating a war-like situation.  Snoring is NOT manifestation of sound sleep. That is a fallacy which has firmly established itself as an urban legend. It is rather indicative of the shallowness of the sleep one is having besides having a thickened insides in the throat.

Sleep being one of the most essential activities that a body should be given allowance to, deprivation of it can bring about the body's destruction. Except for the brain which is busy drumming up dreams/nightmares as the case may be, and the heart which must go on, all other parts of body are entitled to their periods of rest.  And, that is certainly found wanting when you don't sleep well.

You start looking like the last Sunday's newspaper; your boss looks askance at you barely concealing his anger. Your colleagues look strangely at your bloopers. You have no clue what to do.

Do not fret. Help is at hand for both the maladies if you were to go for home remedy.  Mix a glass of warm water with 2 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of black pepper powder
15-20 minutes before you go to sleep and slowly sip it. Do not expect miracles though. keep at it for a month or so and you will see the difference. You would have started to sleep more hours. The snorer would have started to travel by a 1950s car, abandoning the steam engine. Do not give up. Stop not until you are fully cured.

If it is the babe of the house that does the insomniac routine with perfection, reduce the honey to 1 tsp and feed him. He will sleep like a proverbial babe. 

Home remedy, as you can see, can help kids and adults as the same time!