Nature Has All The Cures

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Saturday, June 22, 2013



Come forty, men and women have to brace themselves for many an ailment they never thought existed.

one of the most common of these affliction is frequent urination or incontinence. It starts off innocently enough. You just are beginning to get regular at getting up nocturnally and visiting bathroom still half-asleep. You return when finished and continue where you left off whether it is a dream or nightmare.

Soon enough, you realize you are doing it doubly. And, before you take in the fact that you are wandering off in the direction of your bathroom, you have increased your score by one more visit.THREE times already.

And, there comes a time when you are spending more time in the bathroom than on your bed. You even seriously contemplate unfolding a camp cot in the bathroom for you to rest between urinating bouts.

You sleep only in titbits and for a total of some 3 to 5 hours. This has to tell on your overall health. You spend your days going through the motions. The mirror refuses  to show the expected reflection when you stand before it. There is a zombie looking askance at you. Your concentration has disappeared. Irritation has anchored permanently in your demeanor. People are not fools and they know that you are in trouble. In deed, you are trouble!

Enough said? Here is the home remedy! 

Wash a fair sized pomegranate. Extract the outer skin of the fruit. Only the exocarp please. Do no include the membranes that hold the  arils and seeds together. Cut the skin in to small pieces and grind them into a fine paste. Usually no water is to be added if it is fresh, just peeled . If some 12 hours have gone by, add just enough water to make it a paste. Out it in your mouth and swallow it. No able to? You can send it all in by chewing. It is not completely averse to one's taste while not exactly a dish you relish. So what? It is home remedy, not your breakfast!

Yes, have it everyday on an empty stomach. Remember not have your morning tea one before or after the intake of this wonderful home remedy.

Have it as long as necessary but it is safe to say that you will find you are getting enough sleep now that your nocturnal adventures are getting to be more infrequent and less regular. Home remedy does it, folks!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


As you get older, your bones, like other parts of body, get older too. Calcium is not all absorbed as efficiently as it used to be. As a result, your bones and teeth grow weak.

A variety of reasons are hiding behind this development. Some of them of your own making. Age, your petite body, your smoking like a chimney or drinking life a fish have all had a say in this.  Drug trafficking inside your body can also be a prime factor. The disease is called osteoporosis, the weakness in bones and for a good measure, your teeth. 

It is not that you are completely aware of the fact. Only, you do not pay too much attention to it. Until you unfortunately fracture a bone or two in the course of your work or even some leisure activity.  You go through a lot of pain and shell out money as if it grew on tree which it does not.

Home remedy can help you avoid the situation. Take a gooseberry or two. Remove the seeds. and put them away.  Cut the fleshy parts into small pieces. Grind the pieces into a fine paste. Do not add any water. Swallow the paste on empty stomach every morning. Continue with this simple procedure of home remedy everyday for a month or so. Do not completely stop after that.

Keep doing it twice or thrice for  as long as you feel your bones are strong enough for you to jump from a height of 10 feet. Only, do not jump.

In home remedy, gooseberry has medicinal properties galore which can cure many an illness. This is just one of them.  We will discuss about gooseberry in some future articles on home remedy.



Obesity is a bane that afflicts a large number of people. It is estimated that 38% percent of American adults are obese. Children too are prone to it with 19% of them overweight.

Nauru has the pride(?) of place in the world with a staggering figure of 71% of its citizens being carriers of obesity.  The world is steadily hurtling towards increasing the mass of the Earth to a high level. It is just as well it can not drown anywhere! We should perhaps tell them of home remedy!

Obesity doubles as a catalyst to subject you to diseases like osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetics and even cancer. Others in the list are sleep apnea and various heart diseases. Impressive, isn't?

The discomfort you feel, your inability to walk with ease are all ever present. If you get attention from the other gender, it is all for wrong reasons.
You embark upon a slew of exercises recommended by health personnel, friends, acquaintances and strangers. No dice? You know the sooner you puncture the tire around your waist, the better.

Do you want to present a presentable look? Do you want to feel as brisk as a young Sylvester Stallone?

Here is succor, provided by age-old wisdom as found in home remedies.

Take a ripe ash gourd, cut into pieces and put the pieces in a mixer/grinder. Reduce it  to a pulp. It is not really tasty but remember you are not having your dinner. If it turns out that you are just not up to it, add just A little brown sugar (no, not the Rolling Stones variety) and take it. Do not hurry doing it. Home remedy is not for those in a hurry.

Or, you can take 4 or 5 garlic cloves and roast them without them getting burned. Just pop them into your mouth to chew. It is not repulsive, I can tell you.  Or, you can boil them in milk and you can swallow the whole thing. This too will reduce the unwanted flab and in time, completely get it of it.

Have this every morning in empty stomach until you see the transformation in your body. It may even take a month or so. So what? Obesity is not visible; what is is your feet; yes you can see your feet!

Now,  go out and get her! And, thank grandmas of the world and their home remedy!

Saturday, June 8, 2013



Global warming has resulted even in the Northern Hemisphere witnessing an increase in temperature and the heat can be egging you on to a foul mood. Your eyes are burning like they were on fire. You feel you are tired enough by 2pm to call it a day. How to keep cool in the circumstances?

Or, may be you live in the tropics and are perpetually feeling the heat wherever you go and in whatever you do.  Your body is always hot and you can not even touch your one hand with the other without skewering up your eyes and swearing for a good measure.  Everything around you is so hot you can not even sit on a chair, leave along lying on a bed. 

You feel like flying away to the Arctic or the Antarctic legitimately or even as a stowaway in order to escape the hell's heat. 

No need to attempt to do it. Think of all the expenditure and the troubles you have to go through in doing it. Instead, keep your valet intact.

You can try doing what folks  have been doing for thousands of years around the world, only you may not be aware of the fact. It is called home remedy. You will surely get rid of the heat in your body and start feeling life seeping into your body.

 Soak a handful of fenugreek overnight in a glass of water. In the morning, chew the seeds on empty stomach and drink the water.
  You draw the line at empty stomach? OK, have your morning tea or coffee and start the medication one hour after that.

This home remedy will diminish the heat in your body to tolerable limits. Do it everyday without fail and in a week or two, you might start saving on your electricity. For, you may be disinclined to switch on your room A/C.You are in deed as cool as Rhett Butler at the end of the story!


The general populace is increasingly becoming slave to screens; computers, tablets, smartphones..... The luminous surface has to have its adverse effect on your eyes which are not meant to keep staring at such brightness. And, continuously for hours too.

Looking at bright screens all the while will tell on the eyes and they will beg for a relief. Irritation, dehydration, pain are all on the cards. There are, of course, any number of remedies in pharmacies and you may well be rid of all the maladies mentioned above by using them. And, you have to be careful in not letting the lotion ooze out of the eyes which can only be achieved perfectly if you lie flat.

Furthermore, you are most likely required to remain in the position for a good 5 or more minutes.  Does your office have such facilities? And, who is to guarantee that you will not travel far into slumber-land? But, it costs some money too. The insignificant amount you spend in a day will grow into some big amount in a month.    

The home remedy? Or, more appropriately, office remedy! You do not need anything more substantial than plain water! And, only some 5 minutes of your time. That simple, really!

Fill cool water in a wide vessel up to brim. Close one eye with your hand and immerse the other eye in the water. Shut  and open it rapidly for about a minute. You will initially feel as though some dust particle has lodged itself in the eye but within seconds the eye will go back to being normal again. Repeat the procedure with the other eye. It takes only two minutes to complete the whole exercise. Do it every hour: Eye fatigue? What is it?

Gaze at something farthermost from you for a few minutes every hour too. The farthest is only the tip of your nose? Because the place is so cramped? Even the sky will do fine unless you are toiling seven deep underground! Home remedy can penetrate there too!


 Jaundice or Hepatitis of various descriptions is not a terminal decease by any means. But it could very well turn out to be. However, a surprisingly large number of people do not realize they have this affliction because the symptoms are not very sharp and they might attribute them to a routine change in their general well-being and do not allocate a lot of time to think over it. In fact, most people do not even give it a second thought.

This attitude is the prime reason for the condition to grow slowly to a worrying level without anyone being the wiser.  When the symptoms become prominent and can no longer be ignored, one visits the doctor and he, in all seriousness, prescribes tests and medications which will make a small or big hole in your pocket as the situation demands.

You worry and your family worries. Also, there is a possibility of someone else catching it from you, in some cases.  Perfect cure is very much possible by modern methods to make jaundice go away.

The alternative is simple: Turn to home remedy

It is said that all our food items found in nature have additional medicinal property. Only, the information is not available to general public. Grandmothers have been known to detect the illness fast enough to embark upon a sure-fire cure.

A combo of three different vegetables does it.

1.  Two full glasses of   juice of fresh green leaves of radish in the morning

2. two or three spoonfuls of the thick juice extracted from bitter gourd (Yes, it is bitter beyond compare but do not add even a drop of water) in the morning and evening.

3. Coconut water through the day, may be 3 or 4 times a day (You can get this in tetrapacks or in bottled form from various forms of outlets).

Keep relentlessly at this and be void of the jaundice within a few days. Home remedy does it, folks!

Friday, June 7, 2013



A simple home remedy does it effectively!

Did you indulge yourself in a binge with your buddies last night? Was it in spite of your inner-self warning against the rash deed? You were not about to listen to the feeble voice, were you? Paying attention to it was the last thing on your mind? Are you now well in to the morning-after?  Did the pleasure metamorphose into something disagreeable this morning as you half-expected it and are now regretting the at leisure? Has indigestion overtaken you?

You are most likely suffering from a mighty indigestion that is refusing to die down. All those exotic and not-so-exotic food that went through your food pipe kindling a fire in it? Is the adjacent  heart burning  too? And, is the stinging pain in your stomach starting to frighten you?

Do not worry too much, dude. This happens all the time to all kinds of people. Only, while the others may be up and about, you may be the only one with a here-and-now problem. How to solve it?

Your kitchen has the answer. Are you able to move there? Go there and follow the instructions below:

Heat a liberal pinch or two of salt in an iron pan, if you have one in your kitchen. Or, you may use any other. Put it on the stove keeping the fire at the lowest level. Keep stirring until it starts sputtering. Put the stove off immediately. Take a glass of room-temperature water and dissolve the salt in it.

The tendency will be to screw up the face, shut the eyes like there had been a zip and drink the whole bitter mixture in one great gulp. Ah, that is just not done. Sip it as though it were your favorite whiskey. You will see your stomach ache gone in a reasonably short time.

Only, do not embark upon another binge any time soon.



Eyes are one of the most delicate things ever created. They are so important and sensitive that they have a protection shield to cover them all the time. Without your  being unaware of it, the lids shut and open the orifice several times a minute in order to keep the eyes in good shape.

Despite all this thoughtfulness going in to its creation, man is not allowed to tend to them the way they should be. His job, his entertainment and many other activities require him to force his eyes do their duty overtime. Tired eyes will protest, of course. 

But eyes can get tired pretty soon though you may not always be aware that they are  tired so.  That is because being tired has almost become the norm and no one gives a second thought about it. Most people take it in their stride and go about their business. A simple procedure can keep your eyes fresh and mostly free from stress.

Do you brush his teeth in the morning? Well, everybody usually does it.  Well then, when you finish off brushing your teeth in the morning and have put the brush back where you took it from,  fill your mouth with water, tilt your head up a little and pour cool (not cold) water over your eyes. You do not have to concentrate only on eyes. If the water flows all over your face, it is alright. Just keep rinsing your eye lids. Do not open the eyes. You won't be able able anyway. Only, take care not to spit the water out of your mouth until you are finished. Keep at it  for at least two minutes. Now, spit out the water.

Repeat it after bed-time brushing too, if you feel like doing it.

Do it everyday and your ophthalmologist will start reporting absenteeism.There are no more tired eyes sported by you.